Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hey I found the other Asians, Les petit amies... boyfriends and no longer being dazed :)

As I sit in the very slow but cozy internet cafe I find myself reflecting on the past crazy week and all the emotions I have gone through in such a short period of time. I hope my blogs are not too random for you guys but I should be heading back home soon so before I go here are a few more adventures that have happened the past couple days:

As I told you that everyone thinks I am chinese I think thats because it is the most popular asian they know but anyways I finally found the rest of the asian population their is a supermarket by our house called socece where all the expats are so whenever I miss home I am headed that way. I honestly thought their were no other foreigners here but its nice to know that if I ever feel homesick I can go there to get a taste of home and maybe have some ice cream :)

No marriage proposals yet haha but I am pretty sure that I have been hit on at least 6 times since I have been here I have been reffered to as someones wife and have been asked for my number many times. I hope I do not give anyone the wrong impression when I give my number I just want to be friendly and make friends and NOT get a boyfriend. It is very amusing though and you know a tad flattering but I am happy to say that I have stood my ground and have made it clear that I am here to work... It does make for a funny story. For example this one guy told me oh we should be together and I was like uhhh Non Non Non and he was like oh we will work on that. Oh dear. I am still trying to figure out this mentality of la blanche it is quite an intreresting one

Daze be GONE
Today me and the other canadian finally figured out on our own how to get to the key places like campus and home using the cheap taxis using this system we now pay HALF of what wer did before... Thank goodness for WoWo WoWos. I am happy to say that I am finally getting in the groove of things and hope to get more comfortable as the days go on

Cheers to more adventures in lovely Abidjan and a few shoutouts:
FSA: Good luck on culture night I know it will be fantastic
AIESEC Calgary: Hope that Alvaro has arrived safely and that you are raising those TNs

hugs and loves to all :)


serenity255_ said...

Have any vivid dreams yet?


Amber said...

Oh, those loving African men. Sounds like Cote d'Ivoire and Cameroon have at least one thing in common.

I give you two weeks before you buy yourself a ring and start telling people you're married. ;)

Meg Lyons said...

Thanks Marshy- we love you!