Monday, May 4, 2009

Feelings on the final week in Canada (-4 days)

I am at the stage of pure excitement. It's true that I am a bit scared (as are many travelers when going to a completely different country and culture). But I am as prepared as I can be to leave the country and immerse in the culture of Abidjan. And I think that is the right mentality when leaving the country... I need to go there with an open heart, open mind and just completely absorb my surroundings.

The one thing that has really gotten my spirits up is an e-mail from a fellow Canadian who is already in Abidjan (we will be living in the same house and working in the same organization) and is having a wonderful time. It makes me want to just get on my plane tomorrow and start this adventure.

I know it will difficult, especially because of the language barrier. Yes, I can understand french better then most but I haven't practiced in over 3 years and hope that the 6 years of french immersion classes kick in. I don't want to go there and have them expect some one with completely fluent french (Je suis peur... tres peur pour ca)... as I am known to be an avid speaker of "Anglicism". But I am sure after a few weeks things will start to become "daily routines" and I will get use to the French.

Good byes have been said and I will truly miss everyone back home. Thank you to everyone who have been nothing but supportive of this internship, whether that means writing a heartfelt card, words of encouragement, random gifts , contacts and advice or a wonderful hug. These all mean the world to me and I am truly grateful to all of you. I cannot wait to share the experiences from these 3 months with you when I return (A&B je me tellement manque beaucoup LULT).

Au revoir Calgary, Salut Abidjan... Je suis prete pour vous et tous tes défis!
Good bye Calgary, Hello Abidjan... I am ready for you and all of your challenges!

1 comment:

ada said...

good luck and best of wishes, marsh! i know you have all the strength to combat all the mishaps that may happen and the heart to have all the fun you can have on your internship. :)
