Monday, April 27, 2009

Just... RELAX (-12 days)

As I sit here, "studying" for my last exam and trying to mentally prepare myself for Abidjan. I find myself reflecting on what has happened so far in my preparation for leaving.

For those that know me, I am a very organized person that likes things set in place and loves to create lists. However, the past few weeks (just trying to get everything prepared for Abidjan) has gotten me to question this regiment and made me realize that sometimes I just need to RELAX!

On top of that I need to keep my faith open and keep that attitude that things do happen for a reason. I know I am meant to go on this internship and that I will go through many challenges during the next 3 months but these challenges will happen.... for a reason!

This reflection has a lot to do with the events of the past few weeks and my list of what needs to be done in 12 days:
  • Visa - Apparently I can only have a visa for up to three months in Cote d'Ivoire (it is the law), that means I will need to get an extension when I arrive in the country. This initially made me completely freak out. But from talking to my mom, really there is no point in getting flustered about it. Worse thing is that I do not get the extension and have to come home early, but at least I would of got to make some sort of impact for 2 months. But being an optimistic hopefully things works out. I am thankful for my lonely planet that my sister gave me, as it has the visa extension office address! I am definitely going to rely on lonely planets on my other travel adventures.
  • First week in Abidjan - I have talked to Alex and I will be in the AIESEC office in the first week then go to Le Soutien the next week (of course depending on my boss, as I will be living with him and his family). I also hope I can figure out this wonderful visa extension during my first week.
  • Packing, packing, packing - I have finally bought linen pants (Melynda mentioned that these are the best pants to get for HOT places) and hope that they will help with the heat. So I am good for clothes, now I just need an adapter and all the other travel basics.
  • Gifts - I am excited to go shopping this upcoming weekend for Maple Syrup and little "Canadian" souvenirs. Anyone have suggestions for great little Canadian gifts?
  • Learning more about HIV/AIDS and potential workshop activities
  • Medication - I get to start my potential "crazy malaria pills" tomorrow. I am suppose to take these pills 2 weeks before I leave, but the doctor warned me that they may cause me to have vivid dreams and go a little crazy (hopefully this doesn't happen!).
  • Mental preparation - This is probably the key thing I have left to do, I need to get into the "Abidjan" mode and prepare myself to go away from my everyday comforts. And as much as I want to go away and experience a new culture, I know I will still find it very hard to have such a different daily routine.
It's time for me to "RELAX", get these little things prepared before I go.

Cheers to 12 days till Abidjan!

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