Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Abidjan first impressions... Pays beau et tellement fou (a beautiful and really crazy country)

So I have been in Abidjan for about 3 days and have gone through 20 million types of emotions... the following are only a few bit little tid bits of my thoughts on this CRAZY but BEAUTIFUL city:

My family is so sweet and they treat me and the other canadian like their own daughters... they cook for us, do our laundry. I love them so much. But one crazy thing is that because our boss is so well known we have a security guard.

What I have found is that no matter where in the world you are AIESEC will always be there. I have heard so many horror stories about the organization of development internships but everything has been so smooth and amazing here. I feel so safe as their is always a person with me. They have brought me around everywhere and even had a welcome party... I am able to confirm my love for the organization in Abidjan. The communication barrier between french and english amuses me and it's just so wonderful. I tried to teach them an AIESEC Canada cheer that did not work out too well... as they couldn't say it fast enough. Mais tres bon effort!

It is constantly hot, but I have gotten use to the fact that I will be sweaty the whole time... as long as I sleep in front of the fan at night, everything will be fine. I drink water like their is no tomorrow. But am getting use to the "groove of things".

Tid bits here and there
The roads are nuts and their are 4 types of taxis... red one (the safe but expensive one... converted it is only 2 dollars maximum... but it does add up), yellow ones that don't take you exactly where you want to go just on a certain road close by, roro - crazy cramped bus that I have yet to figure out how it works.

I am off to do a session (en francais... je suis tellement peur!) so will try to add more on this post later. Hope everyone is well.



Amber said...

Yay! I'm glad to hear you're settling in well, and everything is well organised with your job and accommodations.

Keep up the posting! It's great to sit down and read your blog when I arrive at work in the morning. :)

meSs said...

Post some of your emails, they are really funny.

ada said...

it's so good to hear how you're doing there! Abidjan sounds great - i am glad to hear that the LC there is taking good care of you. can't wait for your pictures ;) keep it up, marsh!
