Monday, June 22, 2009

Tourist or Local?

Traveling is well meant for traveling. But an internship is meant for fully integrating into the society. I have been having a very hard time lately thinking about my purpose and my actions here. To tell you the truth Cote d'Ivoire is not a "touristy" place... especially Abidjan, there aren't museums everywhere or even extremely special places to go. The last two months I have been here, I have been fully integrating into the local. And you know what... I am happy with that.

I do not have a billion pictures of Cote d'Ivoire but I do have lasting relationships with individuals here (which I think is something much more special). 

But of course at times my inner "tourist" comes out and I long to look for things to do but just end up sleeping or going to campus. We ended up going to the zoo last weekend... which is a strange concept, a zoo in Abidjan. But like all zoos it was a bit depressing... the animals were not well fed and were practically roaming around with no cages. It was quite the experience. And this upcoming weekend we get to go to the famous Yamoussoukro with the largest Basilica in the world... It is apparently more stunning than the vatican.

6 more weeks in Abidjan... It has gone by so fast and in a sense I am ready to leave but in another sense I am not ready to leave this wonderful country. My Canadian sister Jacqui is leaving in 2 weeks so it will be quite the experience being truly "alone" for my last month here. We live and work and the same place so it will be quite the drastic change. But although I will miss her terribly and will probably break down more than often without here, I am excited to experience being by "myself". 

My heart is truly in Abidjan... Mon coeur est vraiment en Abidjan <3

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