Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi

As I am hitting my one month mark in this country I find myself constantly questioning the purpose of this internship and the purpose of me being here. It frustrates me when I feel like I can't do anything productive and the only thing that I have to give is my love. I know I cant say that me being here will change the world but at least making some sort of difference would be fantastic.

But if you think about it what does it mean to "make a difference". In a sense this internship is selfish (it has a lot to do with personal growth). But in another sense there is that element of cultural exchange, for individuals from different parts of the world to share their ideologies to know that we are all looking out for each other and that the best thing that we can do in new societies is to have an open mind. Yes this sounds fluffy, but it is true.

I have just gotten out of a meeting with all of the staff of Le Soutien ( ... the organization is currently going through problems with finances (a constant problem for many non for profits) and they are going to have to shut down their main office in Deux Plateaux (area in Abidjan) but that doesn't mean the organization is going to stop. The hard core work (base) is done in Youpoggoun (Another area in Abidjan). I am constantly amazed with this non for profit and wish that I could give them finances myself. Le soutien works in many areas and in particular with OVCs (Orphans and vulnerable children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS). Basically every Wednesday the children come to the bureau and have a day of activities, they play, eat, learn some lessons, if they need medicines they can get them here as well they can get counselling (depending on their age group: there are three age groups... the first is 1 - 5 years the second is 6-11 years and the last group is 12 - 17 years). But the whole purpose of them coming is to create a family, a community of non-discrimination. It is a time where they can just be kids. And really my role is to play with them and to be a part of the activities. Many times I am discouraged because I wish I could do more but then thinking about it through a sustainable view, that is the best task that I can do. Because taking on a huge role will not work for a 3 month internship. I really need to take all the experiences I learn here back home.

Another project that Le Soutien is working on is Project NUNSSEU (The child is the future) this is a project based in Danane (Village in the North of Cote D'Ivoire)... in a period of 3 years (10 villages each year). What Le Soutien does is that the counselors in Danane go to each village and help to mobilize the village. What I found out is that... Women are the key factor in everything. So Le soutien provides Womens groups with land so that they can make money and feed their children. Since the village sees this positive impact that Le Soutien does then they can trust the organization and are able to be mobilized on topics such as SIDA/VIH (AIDS/HIV). It is quite a complicated but logical system.

One of my co workers told me that hopefully we will be able to go to Danane before the end of our internships. They go at least once a month, depending on funding and talking about finances at the meeting today their probably will not be a trip this month.

This organization is so amazing, and I really hope to learn and make as much of a contribution as I can. It also makes me want to create my own non profit organization (if only it was that easy :) ). As Ghandi amazingly put: "Be the change you want to see in the world". Sometimes, that is the best thing that we can do.

IMPORTANT Side note: As for all non for profits, funding is a big issue and that is the main problem for Le Soutien (, they are providing such a necessary and great service to OVCs (Orphans and vulnerable children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS) and to many villages in Cote d'Ivoire. In Africa, the reality is so different from the "western world". Non for profits and passionate people are necessary here in order for the reality to improve. My heart hurts for this organization... please if you know anyone or if you have advice on how we can find funders contact me at or post a message on this blog, It's a big task to under take but all we can really do is try.

1 comment:

Vanipants said...

Thanks for the blog Marcia keep doing it. I'm so happy to hear that your experience is continually inspiring and I wish I could be there with you. But we do what we can and what we learn from our experiences shape the future. Your internship is in NO WAY selfish. It's amazing and most people wouldn't dare to take the jump. You need to understand yourself before helping anyone else and this is a part of the learning curve so that you can do even greater things in the future :)