Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time is running out (-39 days)

It's only been 4 days since my last blog and over these past few days I have gotten a sense of TOTAL STRESS. Maybe because it is the first day of April or the fact that I have just realized there is only 2 weeks of school left and I am completely behind. Oh yeah and because I will be off to the other side of the world in a month and 9 days. Yes, TIME IS RUNNING OUT.

I know that all students go through the stress of school, assignments and balancing and I really thought I had mastered the art of the balance. But apparently not... I sit here thinking I have a lot to do and end up procrastinating and in the end do nothing.

On the bright side my first list of what needs to be done before Abidjan is getting smaller... but I have started a new list:
  • Visa - Application has been sent in and now I play the waiting game (will call them next week to see if they received it)
  • Bursary - I sent in my application for the international studentship award on Monday and hope to hear back from them this week... this is a big source for money and I really hope I can get at least some money for this trip.
  • Flight - Set and booked to leave on the night of May 8 and come back August 16.
  • Accommodations - Have been confirmed to live with one of the co-founders of Le Soutien and his family (quite exciting!).
  • Fund raising events and promotion of the internship
  • Getting together more workshop materials and extensive knowledge on HIV/AIDS
  • Look into local organizations (AIDS Calgary) and Le Soutien
  • Packing, packing PACKING... getting all the items needed for 3 months as well as gifts, etc. (I am so thankful Amber has given me a start up list of what to bring)
  • Putting together a video of Canada/Calgary for the AIESEC Abidjan - Not only am I going to experience a new culture but I of course have to share my culture as well and be a fantastic Canadian ambassador.
I honestly do not think this list of things to do will ever stop. But at least it is the "small things" that I have left to cross off. It is now starting to sink in that I will actually be leaving and thus the stress comes on. So for now I will keep the positive vibes going and just keep trucking to get things done.

It definitely helps that my parents are just as excited as I am. Maybe not my mom so much (Asian parents, youngest daughter and Africa do not mix too well). But it is understandable for them to be scared and through it all I know they are proud! My dad has even bought me an "African musicians CD"...

Check out one of Angeliques songs -

I guess that is it for now. Back to the endless assignments, restless nights and ongoing preparation. I just have to keep the amazing experience ahead of me in mind =)!

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