Monday, July 20, 2009

Less then a month for "reality" to start again

I officially have less then a month until I leave to go back home to Calgary. And at this point my feelings are all over the place. I constantly have thoughts of... am I ready to go home? How is life going to be when I return? My Canadian sister left last week and it is just so strange not being with her anymore. I am surviving on my own and am not full out depressed but I guess it just takes a while to get use to it.

I have figured out who I can really count on here and the people I would really love to get to know more.

I am trying my best to cherish these last few weeks in Abidjan and know that it will be difficult for me to come back. Just to go back to the comfortabilities will be strange. But then at the same time I am so excited to go back to school, gain knowledge and make more of an impact with what I have learned. Plus I cannot wait to share my stories with everyone.

Oh mon dieu, les personnes en Abidjan sont tellement fou mais je t'aime avec tous mon coeur. Je ne sais pas comment je peut dire aux enfants en travaille: "Oh non, pas la semaine prochaine... c'est mon dernier journee au travaille". I have just gotten so use to always telling them... yes I will see you next wednesday or "Semaine prochaine (avec les bissoux)".

This is the extremely difficult part... "leaving".

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